Weapon icons

Started by Trex, Jul 31, 2024, 06:23 PM

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Jul 31, 2024, 06:23 PM Last Edit: Aug 12, 2024, 04:57 AM by Broly
Your ingame nick:[VU]Trex
Suggestion for Forum/Server: Server
Suggestion (Well explained):Remove the weapon icons from the server as it's not preferable for players, for me it's ugly no offense tho to whoever made it. But I like stock/remade icons(HD), 10th anniversary too, so you might consider removing the icons so that the players use their GTA's icons as they'd be already adding their favs, or add revanced ones(HD) or 10th anniversary, what do you think?

weaponname_icon.png (optional) The icon for the weapon that will be used in-game. If not specified, a blank icon is used.We are actually using custom weps to prevent one simple injection of "weapon.dat", if we remove the weaponname_icon.png, no icon will be displayed.

Then make your own icons and suggest them here, if they are better than the current ones I will also vote positive.

Jul 31, 2024, 07:04 PM #3 Last Edit: Jul 31, 2024, 07:09 PM by Trex
Quote from: Gohan on Jul 31, 2024, 06:48 PMweaponname_icon.png (optional) The icon for the weapon that will be used in-game. If not specified, a blank icon is used.We are actually using custom weps to prevent one simple injection of "weapon.dat", if we remove the weaponname_icon.png, no icon will be displayed.

I am not asking you to remove it, I know that y'all are using scripted weapons to act as anti wep.dat but I am just asking to change the weapon icons.

Quote from: Fortune on Jul 31, 2024, 07:00 PMThen make your own icons and suggest them here, if they are better than the current ones I will also vote positive.
If you ever used VCVE, you'd know what I mean, search for it and you'll see the difference between stock and VCVE one.

However, these are the remastered icons I am talking about which are not visible in the server cause of the custom weapons icons included in the script;


+1 I don't really like the weapon logo or icons of this server it definitely looks ugly. Radar disc should be changed too.

I am definitely not the same person I was when I started.

+1,I started to switch to wrong weapons because of these icons form, it will be great if the old icons are back


Will be updated in next 24 hours.
Work so hard that even Kewun has to  DDoS attacks to slow you down.