Craigx Evade

Started by FrewpCraxKeR, Aug 19, 2024, 12:46 PM

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Aug 19, 2024, 12:46 PM Last Edit: Aug 19, 2024, 02:25 PM by Broly
Rule breaker's nick : Craigx

Reason of reporting : Death evade

Date : today

Evidence :

Extra : 1:10 Clearly he jump with low Hp, and when he had 20/10 HP he Jumps purpose, Idk if this not was purpose or not ( for me looks purpose because very weird how he ups and jump when he had low HP), if staff no see it purpose btw he still making the error of playing in those locs with low Hp

"running towards water and drowning" that is just u did, This is what you did, you ran to the edge of the water with -50 health, and when your health went down with the m60 you jumped, and you didn't even jump when he was shooting at you, you suddenly jumped

The death of a player is always recorded in their stats, whether they fall from a roof, drown in water, or any other cause—intentional or unintentional. While occasional incidents like this are understandable, it becomes problematic if a player consistently dies in this manner, especially if it happens 4-5 times a day on the server. In such cases, it can be difficult to determine whether the death evades are intentional or accidental. Therefore, we generally give the player the benefit of the doubt unless the behavior is repeated in a noticeable pattern.

If he repeats same thing again within few days feel free to report him.

Denied, Thanks for reporting.
Work so hard that even Kewun has to  DDoS attacks to slow you down.