Tunngrus.exe - God Mode

Started by Skullcandy, Sep 10, 2024, 02:39 PM

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Sep 10, 2024, 02:39 PM Last Edit: Sep 17, 2024, 07:42 AM by [RT]UmaR^
Rule breaker's nick :Tunngrus.exe

Reason of reporting : Tool usage GOD mode No damage

Date :
2024-08-12 17:49:38

Evidence :

Extra :
Admins should check out the evidence of this old report https://asian-city.net/index.php?topic=289.0

his brother is involved with hacks and this tunngrus.exe got ban before from this server so there is no doubt of him using hacks

pov of tunngrus.exe using shotgun aimbot

tool usage video

duel pov

Can I suggest you to upload the videos to YouTube? The low quality affects my eyes and I can't change it due to didn't get registered on that chinese page lol.





and here i told him to do recording lets see if he did recording. i was saying again and again to start recording. tungrus send us our whole duel recording, i told you in start that start recording it will help in your report

Today during fight i threw molotov on him he didn't get even single hp damage he was using hp hacks and even shotgun shots were not working on him...it proves that he was using godmode.

Even though you and I met over 100 times, you only posted 4 videos?        Regarding the first one, I must say that kill was beautiful. Your second video is also beautiful, this player's black suit and pants with purple color and the skill I did was really spectacular. The third and fourth kills were well done by me.        In general, these videos are completely normal and do not prove anything. I have nothing to say.        Other videos have been posted multiple times by other players and are from a year ago or less.        Don't try to blame me with previous videos because it's from the past and I was punished for it. Have a good Time

I even found videos of their gameplay which shows that they are also misunderstood
I could not send it here

 Players always complain against me, but none of their words are true. I don't know how they see me in the game.  Even I myself doubt how I look in the game because I am the only player whose ping is extremely unstable and I always get killed by Jitter.  My ping suddenly goes from 150 to over 500 and again suddenly changes to 150, and this has caused even on the ping display window, my ping still appears to be low.

There is a possibility that their shots don't hit me properly, and my shots still don't hit them, and they think I'm using HP hack.  A clear example is the fight with blitzkid, where he recorded me for the crime of using hp, but in his video it is also proven that this is not the case. I could not upload the video here.  And I sent it to Zeex in Discord

I was really upset about writing these posts because I didn't take care of my course project and I wrote the answer to the report of a stupid boy.  good time

Sep 17, 2024, 06:04 AM #9 Last Edit: Sep 17, 2024, 06:10 AM by CYBORG
why not upload here? because short clips?

Sep 17, 2024, 06:43 AM #10 Last Edit: Sep 17, 2024, 06:48 AM by SherLock
I got another video against Tunngrus.exe too. Looks like he do some modifications while playing. He looks so suspicious in this video.


Fisrtly, tunngrus you are new on forum so you need to spam a topic with multiple post. Edit your old topic when requred.

For report, I have seen every video and you guys were already able to kill him too. Tunungrus usually have high jitter and the suspicious shots are nothing but due to lag.


Thanks for reporting