H.a.S.a.N - Staff Application

Started by H.a.S.a.N, Jul 29, 2024, 06:41 PM

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Jul 29, 2024, 06:41 PM Last Edit: Jul 30, 2024, 07:59 PM by Gohan
Past Nicknames: H.a.S.a.N , hasan2
Discord ID:hasanarabi ,hasan61#7305
Playing in AC since: I started playing on this server in 2021. A month later, the server created a dispute server, so I started playing two years ago
Average week/hours playtime in AC:There wasn't much during this period because I was having surgery on my mouth, but I would stay for two hours or more
Ever banned in any VC:MP server? If yes, Explain: I have not been banned from this server yet
What you can offer to server being a staff member: I help the rest of the staff, and I can ban any hacker from this server with a guide, just like Broly and the rest do, and I help with programming if possible, but I am not very specialized in java vcmp, so I can do my best.
Any Experience Past/Present:

In the past

I was scripter in of Syrian city server and owner ( closed for some reason of my vps )
I was moderator in Savline VC:MP

In the present and now
Scripter in Middle east server and Co-Owner

Arab City too
Any other information: I am just a 17 year old person who loves playing and programming. I started playing this game in 2020, in the month of 7
I hope accept me as staff trial or moderator

The programming languages I master well are squirrel, nodejs, and python, intermediate languages are php, html, and docker, and weak languages are java.

So accept me xD

Your application is under discussion.

Your application has been denied, we think you might gain more experience onto game management.
Try to participate in events as referee.