Server Rules - Last update 14/9/2024

Started by ZeeX., Jul 21, 2024, 07:54 PM

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Jul 21, 2024, 07:54 PM Last Edit: Sep 14, 2024, 10:54 AM by Broly

  • No Evading:-
    Any form of evasion, such as death, mute, or ban evasion, will result in punishment. However, certain death evasions, like using molotovs or grenades and dying to it, running towards water and drowning, or falling from a roof, are forgivable. Staff may still punish these actions if they are done repeatedly and intentionally.
  • Bug Abuse:-
     Exploiting bugs to gain an unfair advantage will lead to a ban.
  • No Spamming/Flooding:-
     Avoid spamming or flooding the chat; you may be muted.
  • Impersonation:-
     Impersonating someone using their nickname or clan tag without permission results in a ban.
  • No Advertising:-
     Advertising other servers or Discord channels leads to staff-imposed punishment.
  • Team Knock:-
     Knocking a mate with the same skin to let your friend kill them will lead to punishment for both.
  • No VPNs:-
     VPN usage is not allowed; violation leads to punishment.
  • No Hacks:-
     Using hacks like aimbot, aimlock, speedhack, etc., results in a ban.
  • No Modified Games:-
     Use of modified game versions for unfair advantages leads to a ban. (No leaves mod is allowed)
  • RPG Range:-
     Don't use RPG in close range. Minimum range is 24.
  • No Stat Padding:-
     Intentional stat manipulation results in a ban, and stats and cash may be reset.
  • No Logging Others' Accounts:-
     Attempting to log into another player's account results in a ban.
  • No Scamming:-
     Scamming in deals or transactions leads to a ban.
  • C-Glitch:-
     C-glitch with nades/molos is not allowed and will be punished.
  • Wall-Glitch:-
     Wall-glitch, even via nades/rpg/molos or flame, is punishable. (However, the wallglitch in close areas like Ammunation etc. is allowed.)
  • Appeals & Staff Interaction:-
     If you feel unfairly punished or want to appeal, create an unban appeal; avoid pinging staff on Discord to prevent timeouts.
  • No Racism:
     Hate speech based on religious values will result in a long duration mute.
  • Glitching Through Car:-
     Spawning a car in a combat zone with the intent to use it as a shield or for cover is prohibited. This includes taking cover behind a vehicle obtained via '/getcar' or glitching through it. However, using default server parked vehicle for these purposes is permitted.
  • Other Servers Name:-
     Just typing other server names in main chat not allowed with intention to invite players to that server. (However, discussion about other servers in main chat is an exception.)
  • Connecting to Server with Abusive Nicks:-
     Adding abusive words with other players' nicks and joining with that nick is not allowed (e.g., PlayerOne_Bitch, etc.).
  • Ghost City:
     Entering bugged places in order to kill other players outside is not allowed.
  • Staff Family Abuse Rule:-
     Abusing the families of staff members is prohibited. Staff who respond to family abuse with abuse of their own will lose their authority to punish anyone for family abuse in the future. Minor forms of abuse such as "mf," "motherfucker," "benchod," "bc," "your father idiot," and similar are permitted; punitive actions against these words will be considered an abuse of power.
  • Additional Rule: Account Trading:-
    It is strongly advised not to let someone else use your account to fight or duel under your name. Since money is involved in every action, this can be seen as cheating the opponent. Breaking this rule may lead to a warning or a ban, depending on the seriousness of the offense and the player's familiarity with the rules.
  • Misusing FPV (First Person View):-
    FPV is disabled on the server due to known bugs in VC:MP. However, occasional misuse may occur if your ping is high. While using FPV due to high ping is permissible, exploiting it to skip animations like falling animations or any action that provides an unfair advantage is not allowed.
  • Reporting Low-Severity Offenses:
    Only the affected party may submit reports for low-severity offenses, such as death evasion, wall glitching, or close-range combat. If a third party wishes to report, they must provide proof that the affected party has granted permission to do so. Reports made without this authorization will not be accepted.

Extra Notes

  • Fairness doesn't mean all players will get the same punishment; decisions will consider a few things:
  • Punishment may vary between new and old players; veterans should know the rules better.
  • Unintentional rule-breaking may result in lighter punishment compared to intentional violations.
  • If you have a history of breaking the same rule, the punishment will be stricter, showing you haven't learned from previous penalties.
  • Server rules are updated as needed, so make sure you check this topic regularly.
  • Everyone must follow the rules, whether you're a staff member, or regular player.
  • If you think any rule should be changed or added, feel free to post in the Suggestions board.
  • A rule violation will not apply to individuals who have only affected one or two people if those affected have no objections to the incident. The consent of the affected parties is required to take action against the individual who committed the violation. Without their consent, the rule break will be considered as not having occurred.

- RT Lieutenant
- Asian City Manager
- OneVice Administrator
- VCAD Administrator
- Capture The Flag Moderator
- VFS Manager
- FunVice Management
- VC:MP Player Since 2011

09/08/2024 - 9th August, 2024
- Rule Update. (Click here)
Work so hard that even Kewun has to  DDoS attacks to slow you down.

14/09/2024 - 14th September, 2024
- Rule Update. (Click here)
Work so hard that even Kewun has to  DDoS attacks to slow you down.