VC_PD3 Death Evade Vía Molotov

Started by FrewpCraxKeR, Aug 10, 2024, 03:47 AM

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Aug 10, 2024, 03:47 AM Last Edit: Aug 10, 2024, 08:52 AM by [RT]UmaR^
Rule breaker's nick : VC_PD3

Reason of reporting :Death Evade Vía Molotov

Date : Today

Evidence :

Extra : He doing Recently suggestion of make rule for use molotov with low life, he did it because he evade me with Molotov and now he is trying to cover his self, He always does RPG and Molotov with low HP, That is the circunstances of his actions, he need punishment or he never will change, (I see a lot of reports too of him doing death evade with Molotov too, and RPG in close, but in this case RPG in close not is the reason)

Hello, hope you are doing well.

VC_PD3 threw molotov and jumped to avoid it but at the same time, you hit him during his jump animation. Due to this, a vcmp desync/bug comes up and his jump fails forcing him to fall into the molotov affected area. The death evade was done unintentionally. Here is what the rule states:

QuoteAny form of evasion, such as death, mute, or ban evasion, will result in punishment. However, certain death evasions, like using molotovs or grenades and dying to it, running towards water and drowning, or falling from a roof, are forgivable. Staff may still punish these actions if they are done repeatedly and intentionally.

Since it was due to VCMP desync/bug, this report is marked as Denied.