=VG=Zer0neX Wep.dat Pt.2

Started by FrewpCraxKeR, Sep 06, 2024, 03:38 PM

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Sep 06, 2024, 03:38 PM Last Edit: Sep 10, 2024, 07:19 PM by [RT]UmaR^
Rule breaker's nick :=VG=Zer0neX

Reason of reporting :Wep.dat shotgun 0 reload

Date :Today

Evidence :https://youtu.be/VU1SzJsAE_o

Extra :I wrote to Broly to reopen the other report to add these tests but I imagine he is sick or doesn't have time, so I decided to create another one. Today the PM was spamming me with more than 100 happy messages saying that he was clean etc. , Today I took the time to go in and check it out for a while, and it's still using wep.dat even after the report was denied, I understand that the previous report was denied because it was a 3-clip video, but here I bring more where he does 0 reloads with the shotgun against other players

its bullshit when you try banning me somehow when i am not even using the shits you mention above
I have some records, but I dont think they are in same time he recorded his video.
I know, he tries to prove his lies by recording me when I am not recording
and then, I will be having no proofs to break his lies so I will be banned.
But I luckily got some records (I didn't /q the game when I dueled this guy who has NO LIFE)
I will upload them later cuz I am unlike you, who records 7-10 videos daily.
Won't you leave me? If you do that for enmity, then abuse me or do something else other than proving fake lies

It seems like, this guy is capable of going afk for hours just to catch me doing fast crouches
When I firstly knocked you I did fast rotation to register that shoot on you but I think my rotation wasn't obvious
I recorded different moments from another duel
(But I didn't /q game even before/after dueling)

It doesn't matter if you record or not, wep.dat is a modification that you can easily record your screen without showing any trace, here the strange thing is that your shots are 0 reload, so whether you have recorded or not, it doesn't matter since how everyone knows your father hunting is recorded using that.

The reality is that you cannot stop using wep.dat even though you have already been banned 5 times for the same thing. I also suggest that they increase the ban time since he always uses it again and uses it non-stop. I saw that you say that I do this. for "enmity" and really if it were enmity it doesn't cost me anything to enter and give you x30, but when a player uses hacks they must be reported and banned ;)

bro if you have edited that fucking file or context or whatever it is, then every enemy you have in your list must be using this shit as you?
You were/still a hacker in this game and you think all your enemies are hackers
@Crystal  and tunngurs and I have been reported by u for enmity no more
look at crystal's vid his shots was normally launched

sorry bro but i think with these fake proofs u provided i think no one will hear ur message ' i suggest to increase ban '
broo its obviousssssss
'due to enmity reporting'

It is a recommendation that I make to the administration to increase your ban time since you are always unbanned and you come back using the same thing, I am not interested in the ban time they give you, in another with crystal I reported it because in my tunngrus md619 report it told me that the shots that followed my head without any type of prediction could be a sign of aurora and that is why I reported it, and everyone knows that tunngrus uses aimlock there are even videos where he uses those hacks against gerz fulton etc and don't try to compare yourself against them because at least tunngrus was banned once by aurora just like crystal, and you have already been banned 5 times and for the same thing

ok stop using translators i give my video later as im not lifeless who always spending his time recording/uploading vids
shame on u lier, wasting my time on ur fucking lies

Sep 06, 2024, 05:22 PM #9 Last Edit: Sep 06, 2024, 07:05 PM by Zer0neX
didnt you and ur asslicking admins ask urself this simple question?
'how a guy who is INTENTIONALLY banned 5 times for wepdat and he still using it'
in case of retardness, i will forgive u bcz u have no brain

Please guys see the last black label in video, i have explained everything
after u view it, you may go echo to ensure that i didnt rejoin the game when he recorded
-im not wepdater <
and fuck off + dont spam useless reports and making me wasting my time uploading ur shit vids

My question here is, why are none of the clips where you do 0 reload in your video? And another question is, why are you lying? If you were suspiciously timeout after that, plus my clips aren't even in that time frame of your video, you can easily record a video like that and then log out and log back in with wep.dat to, according to you, already "have" solid proof. the proof that you left the game
 — hoy a las 8:16
[Server] -> (28) -> =KF=Fredom: fly (word what i say in your video 2:15

 — hoy a las 8:42
=VG=Zer0neX is connecting from Asia

u rejoined and becames with wep.dat because my every clips happend after that last rejoin, admins can search those logs if dont trust on me

are u idiot?
i didnt say reconnect i said 'rejoined' if you are an idiot then you can't notice the difference between them
wepdat is a file comes with gta vc offline, so it loads to game whenever u open it not when u reconnect/disconnect
even I the guy who hasn't ever modified such files for advantage know this info, I certainly meant and still meaning that I didn't /q the game

I'm sorry bro this smells very fake to me, none of my clips are in your video, and that video you sent doesn't explain why your shots are 0 reload